Fur Trapping -trash
In today’s world, cruel, inhumane acts which are committed everyday get lost under the overabundance and outpour of insignificant news and information. One of these extremely unnecessary acts of violence is commercial fur trapping. As an outlet for quick cash, trappers are willing to cut corners to make a hefty payday. Hunters use a variety of traps to capture a wild animal, kill it, skin it, and sell its fur to those who can afford it.
Despite the fair amount of protocols and policies, these operations are largely unregulated, with many loopholes trappers enthusiastically take. For example, there are distinct lengths of time in each state for how long a trap can go without being checked by whoever placed it. This ranges from 24 hours to 14 days. However, there are no rules requiring traps to contain the name of the trapper, so neglecting to check up on a trap often has no consequence.1
Regardless of the fact the entire process is uncalled for and blatantly disrespectful towards the purpose of animals in our world, the manner of catching wildlife is equally barbaric. Body gripping traps are saw toothed or spiked jaw traps which restrain certain limbs of an animal as they struggle to escape, leading to blood loss and infection as the trap cuts through the flesh. Eventually, these animals die from exhaustion or exposure to the elements, unless they are found by the trapper before then. In that case, the trapper will stomp on or strangle the animal to kill it, ensuring its precious fur is unharmed. 2
Fortunately, these types of traps are banned in California, as well as a few other states. Cage and box traps, nets, and suitcase type traps are a few of the legal traps for commercial use, meaning there are still a multitude of options for making a profit from selling fur. 3
Even more horrifying is a truth hidden by trappers and policy makers in favor of commercial trapping. Traps are unable to detect what type of animal is approaching, resulting in the death of cats, dogs, birds, and other animals/pets, identified as “trash” by trappers.
Wildlife Generation allies with The Center for Biological Diversity, The Mountain Lion Foundation, and Social Compassion in Legislature to further promote the elimination of all commercial fur trapping and trading. These organizations have celebrated many successes including the banning of bobcat, river otter, and red fox trapping in California. 4
You can impact the movement as well. A large campaign which is on the forefront of Social Compassion in Legislation’s agenda is the passing of Bill AB 273- Gonzalez, the Wildlife Protection Act of 2019. If it continues its positive movement in the direction of enactment, this bill will prohibit all commercial trapping and selling of raw fur in California. To create change, share with anyone and everyone the shocking truth of fur trapping.